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iec registration in coimbatore
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What is Import export code(Iec)?

IEC,It basically requires registration waiting for any person or legal entity to buy, sell, export, import goods and services outside India.

This code is mandatory for any business transaction that involves the travel of goods outside the country.

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IEC what is eligibility to receive?

Any type of business i.e. sole proprietorship, partnership, private limited companies, charitable which organization that deals in import and export of goods can register for import-export code irrespective of size. It is important to note here that IE codes are not require for goods for personal use that are not link to trade, manufacturing or agriculture Import Export Code

 IEC / what is the procedure for registration?

IEC the steps for registration are as follows:

Import Export Form (ANF) No. 2 in the format of IEC Online . The application form is file with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade. (G flight registration can be done at the regional office of DGFT.

All required documents including bank details and DSC have to be submitted.

Next, the import export code will be allocate and the application will be process further.

Once all the documents and application have been verified by the authorities, the import export license will be issue to the entity as a soft copy.

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  What documents are require for IEC registration?

Copy of personal or firm or company’s pen card.

Personal Voter ID or Aadhar Card or Passport

Cancel the check copy of the current bank account of the individual or company or pay firm.

A copy of the rental agreement or a copy of the ancestral electricity bill.

  1. IEC How valid is Code?

The Import Export Code is permanent and valid for a lifetime, so there is no need for renewal or update, as long as it stops being tidy, runs or surrenders to registration.

  1.  What is RCMC registration and when is it require?

RCMC is a certificate of registration-cum-membership issued by the Export Promotion Council body under the Government of India. It is necessary for businesses to deal with those seeking exemptions under a foreign trade policy, such as the export of prohibited products and the withdrawal of duties.

 What are the advantages of Holding Import Export Code (Iec)?

Global Market Access: It helps to enable businesses around the world for opportunities and convenient services that enable industries to unlock opportunities in the international trade market.

No Compliance and Annual Maintenance: There are no specific compliance requirements such as annual filings or return fillings or IEC registration in Bangalore .No requirement of annual maintenance fee to be paid upon receipt.

Many other benefits: Many benefits like DGFT, Export Promotion Council and Customs etc. can be availed on the basis of IG registration.

Easy to get: The process to get register is easy with minimum basic requirements.

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 Can more than one IEC be issue against one pen?

Only one IEC against the same page number. Anyone can own

Only one IEC. Is the number and if there is more than one IEC. Have been allocate

Proprietor, may surrender to regional to fee to cancel the same.

 In the case of more than one owned firm, they will

The first pay will be indicate as branch offices

 Can be submit over the counter / IEC.

 No, it is sent to the address specify by the self by speed post issue by IEC

Closed envelope address with application. With only deficiency letters

Application Form / Document Authorize by IEC registration in Coimbatore will be deliver over the counter

Receipt of unit from person / applicant if there is no letter of deficiency

After collection within 5 days it will be send by post to the applicant.

 How do I get the status of my app?

Answer-5 You can check the status of your application on the website under “Status of application for license and registration”. This will be available only after receiving hard copies of the application in the office fee of the concerned board. The status of the application may vary depending on the processing of such application.

In case of showing “Show Certificate Issued” status, you can get the dispatch details from the Remarks column under ‘Search’.

I am unable to submit my application. What could be the issue?

You must confirm the following:

The application should be fill with all the details.

If you press the submit button and nothing happens, check your browser’s compatibility settings (go to your browser. Select the Tools option from the menu bar and then select Compatibility View settings from the dropdown list and add the link to the space provided. )

How to submit application with digital signature?

Chief I.E.C. Click the Submit link with the digital signature provided in the application. It is acceptable that the certificate of Minimum Type II is issue only by the Certifying Authority of India and the digital signature should only be the applicant signing the application.

I have a half full application, how can I access it again to complete the application?

You can access the application as many times as you want from the same page, email and mobile you provided for the first time while creating the application.

Even if the application is submit successfully, what could be the reasons for rejecting it?

Mainly it can be:

1. Documents are not valid (not clear etc.)

2. Proof of address is not attach

3. Name and address do not match the documents

4. Bank IFSC is not mention on the bank certificate

5. Wrong DGFT RA is select

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